12/28/22 Child Life On Call Podcast
Public Event:
10/28/22 Lowcountry Area Health Education Center CEU Presentation
Private Event:
09/14/22 Podcast for Professionals
Public Event:
Online podcast CEUs for Social Workers, Psychologists, and other mental health professionals. Clearly Clinical Podcast Continuing Education: https://clearlyclinical.com
07/23/22 Caregiver Workshop
Private Event:
The Advanced Institute for Development and Learning, Greenville, SC
07/09/22 United MSD Family Support
Private Event:
Caregivers from the United MSD Foundation (multiple sulfatase deficiency) receive psychoeducation and mental health resources.
02/22/22 3rd Annual Women's Luncheon
Private Event: Middleton Place: Charleston, SC.
10/02/21 Professional interview and advocacy in the film "Unseen: Caregiver Documentary"
05/27/21: NASW-SC training: Mental Health Impacts on the Caregivers & Siblings of Special Needs Kids.
05/21/21: MUSC 7th Annual Spring Social Work Conference "Our New Normal: Skills, Struggles & Resilience"